Lori offers multiple video learning options
so you can choose the perfect fit.

After all, it is about YOU.

Stream it? Own it?

Nitty-Gritty Video ™ Streaming Subscription

Subscribe to an ever-growing list of videos. With Nitty-Gritty Video™ Streaming, you have access to ALL of the videos in this series and you can watch them over and over again, anywhere, anytime, and on any platform. This is the best option for you if you tend to watch videos on the run, between appointments, and in small bites. Or, if you like to have a selection available at your fingertips to help answer a specific question just when you need it. $59.99/for a full year US. You have access to all videos, past and present, as long as your subscription is active. Currently there are more than 40 videos included with new titles added monthly.

With only a few exceptions, all of the videos in the streaming service are different than the ones available for purchase. See current videos in this series or subscribe by clicking the button below.


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Made for Artists

Do you currently subscribe to MFA.studio?
Many of Lori’s videos are also available here:

Not familiar with MFA?
Founded by Quang Ho, this service offers first-class learning from a whole host of top instructors. You get total access to all of the instructors’ videos for one price.


Individual Nitty-Gritty Video™ Individual Titles
for Purchase

Own individual full-length titles forever! If you prefer to own a video library and do not want to be tied up in a subscription, this is the best way to enjoy Lori’s full-length videos. Find demonstrations like “Plein air, Light and Shadow,” or 2-hour workshops including the “Color Clinic” series. Prices range from $19.95 to $50.00 per title. Once purchased, you have unlimited online access to your purchases, or you can download it to your device at any time.

With only a few exceptions, the videos available for purchase are different than the ones in the streaming service.

Also available to purchase, are complete video courses. Check these out:

  • Complete Color Course— Mixing, Using, and Seeing Color; contains 8 total videos and downloadable materials to use throughout the course.

  • A Virtual Retreat to Sicily– Seeing and Painting Different Types of Light; contains 10 videos and downloadable materials to use throughout the course. Hosted by Adriano and Yumi of Villa Salinara in Sicily.

Find all available titles for purchase by clicking the button below.


Find more answers about Nitty-Gritty Video™ on the FAQ page.